Found via William Rivers Pitt’s Conyers Hearing blog, a “technical advisor and programmer” named Clint Curtis claims that, while working for Yang Enterprises, Inc. (YEI) in late 2000, he was present at a meeting in which Tom Feeney, a politician / lobbyist with close ties to the Bushes, requested “a prototype of a voting program that could alter the vote tabulation in an election and be undetectable”.

Not only has Mr. Curtis made this claim, he’s put it in an affidavit that is really worth a read. Seriously, it makes the plot of a Grisham story look somewhat dull.

General caveat: I’ve not had more than 10 minutes to spend on this, and I don’t have any idea how much or by whom any of this has been vetted.

BradBlog broke this first, and seems to have a lot of followup.

My tin-foil hat is buzzing.

  One Response to “A smoking gun? Clint Curtis and allegations of vote fraud as design goal.”

  1. The key to this is YEI and Feeney, not Curtis. If Curtis were really a disgruntled former employee of YEI, as O’Quinn claims (and how would he know?), YEI has to explain why they asked Curtis to stay an extra six weeks when his replacement quit, and why they gave him a going-away party.

    Curtis has signed an affidavit. Since he was not a disgruntled employee on the evidence, the burden of proof is on YEI and Feeney to provide another reason why Curtis would lie. YEI has issued a blanket denial. Curtis has stayed mum.
    Since this issue isn’t going away, the ball remains in Feeney’s court.

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